Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

My Experience as a freelance photographer in PESISIR

This year is my first time to work at Rumah Desain “PESISIR” as a freelance photographer. PESISIR is an event organizer for School’s Yearbook, or we usually call it BTS (Buku Tahunan Sekolah). Before I work at this company, I’d finished my work education and some workshop in PESISIR to improve my photograph skill’s. I learn how to take a good angle, play with perspective, directing the pose, read the mood of the client or model (talent), and the most Important is, how to face the client, Because our clients are teenagers who makes me as a photographer for more patient to face their request to create an atmosphere and good cooperation in the field.
I love this job, I enjoy with it, because photographs is my hobby. The fun of this job is, I can chonduct my hobby. Second, I can continue to hone my skills, in hopes of my photograph's skill will grow, and have good quality. Third, I am happy to be with the PESISIR team , very good and enjoyable, as well as clients whose age is not much different make the photo session had a fun atmosphere. The fourth, I could also visit tourist attractions with the free, because the cost in half by the school committee. It is quite profitable for me, because it can be off fatigue from the college activity.

Work is not always fun, sometimes I also experience problems when in the field. Unfriendly weather is the main obstacle which sometimes too hot and sometimes driving rain made the session take a longer time, and usually destroy the mood the client, even we who work had sometimes come to feel it. Second, there must be a difficult client in the set, stubborn, and less for the cooperative, but that's not a big problem, because they are my clients, and I must still provide the best results for them.

Thank you very much for PESISIR families who have introduced & educate me about photography, and also give me a chance even though sometimes there are errors in the charge.

here is the Team :

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