Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Adverb : jenis kata yang memberi penjelasan pada kata kerja verb

Clause : kalimat/klausa yang terdiri minimal dari subject & predicate.

Ada beberapa Adverb Clause, diantaranya :

1. Clause of cause (because, since, etc)
klausa yang menjelaskan sebab terjadinya sesuatu kejadian/aktifitas
ex: They got bad score because they didn't study

2. Clause of result (So, That)
klausa yang menjelaskan akibat suatu peristiwa
ex: My friend is very busy, so he can't help me

3. Clause of purpose (in order that, in the hope that, for the purpose that)
klausa yang menjelaskan tujuan suatu aktifitas
ex: He speaks loudly in order that his voice can be heard

4. Clause of conditional (If, Unless)
klausa yang menjelaskan syarat terjadinya suatu aktifitas
ex: If the weather is rain, shw will be late to go to school

5. Clause of time (when, while, after, before)
klausa tentang waktu
ex: Shiela was calling me when I had swimming

6. Clause of manner (as if)
klausa yang menjelaskan sikap/prilaku
ex: He acts on the field as if he were a great football player

7. Clause of place (where, wherever)
klausa tentang tempat
ex: Ivan is trying to find where his brother hide

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